Automatic Synthesis of Self-Healing Android Applications

With Sergio Mover from LIX (École Polytechnique, Paris), we are looking for a student interested in working on “self-healing” Android applications.

The goal of the internship is to design and implement self-healing techniques for Event-Driven frameworks. Given an Android app, we want to automatically synthesize a new version of the app that avoids protocol violations—for example removing particular interleavings of events.

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My project proposal has been approved by the Hauts de France region

I have just received an official notification that my project proposal “Rigorous Component-Based Design of Correct-by-Construction Software and Systems: Application to Cloud Computing” was approved by the Hauts de France region.

Thanks to Charlotte Hespel and Lionel Seinturier for their help with preparing the proposal. I am Looking forward to officially starting the project.

Spoiler: I will be hiring a post-doc to work on formal models for self-adaptive software.